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Donations Being Accepted

Shirley Frank

Attention all MQG members!!! Have you recently cleaned out your sewing room and run across things you bought impulsively or maybe you just know you never really will use that pattern, charm pack etc? Well if you would like to donate them to the guild for our monthly door prizes, we would love to have them.

Sew Fly Quilts has donated some really exciting things that will be a part of each monthly drawing and A Clean Stitch is also putting together some fun things to contribute.

If you would like to make a donation, please contact a board member to coordinate drop off or pick up.



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Missoula Quilters' Guild is dedicated to promote the appreciation of the art of quilting; to encourage friendship and fellowship among people interested in all aspects of quilt making; and to contribute to the growth of expertise in and knowledge of quilting.

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