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Membership Renewals

Shirley Frank

Thank you to everyone who has taken advantage of being able to renew online. It is very helpful and will help things run smoothly tomorrow night at our first meeting.

For all of you who are planning to renew AT THE MEETING, if you could bring CASH or CHECK, it will help speed things up. We have a limited number of credit card swipers.

While it's not too late to renew online, it is not reasonable to expect that your membership card will be ready if you are renewing at this late date. If you renew online or at our meeting tomorrow, your cards will be ready at our October meeting.

Please note: If you are renewing online the JOIN/RENEW is the same.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.



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Missoula Quilters' Guild is dedicated to promote the appreciation of the art of quilting; to encourage friendship and fellowship among people interested in all aspects of quilt making; and to contribute to the growth of expertise in and knowledge of quilting.

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