Guild Meetings
at Revive Church 2811 Latimer Street, Missoula, Montana 59808

Scheduled Meetings
September 11, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 6, 2024
December 11, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 7, 2025

Lending Library
The Guild has a lending library of over 300 books, rulers and DVDs that can be checked out on a monthly basis. The library is open at the meetings.
Quilt (safety) Pins
You’ll notice people walking around with safety pins attached to their name tags. Each pin represents a finished project that was shown during the Show & Tell portion of the Guild meeting.
Each year the guild hosts a Summer Picnic and Holiday Party.
Name Tags
Please make a name tag so we can all learn each others names. Feel free to use any technique you desire. Pin on your quilt pins for completed projects and quilt show entries. Wear it to meetings, classes and quilt shows. The pattern can be downloaded on our RESOURCE page.
Show & Tell
At each meeting members bring their completed projects and place them on the Show & Tell table. Show & Tell begins with a group showing of all the Community Outreach Projects quilts & pillows. Then we have individual showing of the members items. When your item is shown, go to the front of the room, identify yourself and tell a little bit about the item….. inspiration, pattern, who quilted it, who will receive the beautiful gift…….. you get the idea.
PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks)-
An opportunity to find a home for some of your unfinished projects that you are no longer loving! This is a fundraising activity to support our community outreach programs. Those who wish to participate are asked to bring in an unfinished project in a brown grocery sack (your PIG). Include a one sentence “teaser” description of the project to describe the contents and entice bidders. At our March 2024 meeting we will auction the PIGS to new owners.
UFO Challenge
As quilters we all have many incomplete projects in our sewing rooms. This activity is motivation for us to get them finished.
If you have projects that you are having a problem getting back to, we are sure the Quilts 4 Kids and comfort quilts will be happy to accept your finished projects.
Rules are located on our RESOURCE page.
Guest Speaker/Presenter
Each month at our meeting we have an activity or a featured guest presenter who will educate us on quilting techniques, fabric choices, medium options, color fundamentals, and more!
ETC - Education, Teachers and Classes
This committee works to bring us teachers and classes. They also keep us informed on commercial classes and shows. You can find a list of the local shops and links to their websites on our Quilt Businesses page.
Rummage Sale
The sale is generally in February every other year at our regular meeting. Start sorting out those gently used treasures that you are ready to pass on to a new owner. Items can include fabrics, sewing notions, small appliances, quilt magazines or books, quilt patterns and more!
Yearly Challenge
A theme is announced in September and each participant will present their completed theme quilt (any size) at the May guild meeting. Entries will be voted on by guild members and the winner will receive a gift certificate.